bin in Linux

    bin : Essential user command binaries


/bin contains commands that may be used by both the system administrator and by user. It may also contain commands which are used indirectly by scripts.

There must be no subdirectories in /bin.

The following commands, or symbolic links to commands, are required in /bin.

Below there are some commands with their description.

Command                                                      Description

Cat                                                      Utility to concatenate files to standard output
chgrp                                                  Utility to change file group ownership
chmod                                                 Utility to change file access permissions
chown                                                 Utility to change file owner and group
cp                                                        Utility to copy files and directories
date                                                     Utility to print or set the system data and time
dd                                                        Utility to convert and copy a file
df                                                         Utility to report filesystem disk space usage
dmesg                                                  Utility to print or control the kernel message buffer
echo                                                     Utility to display a line of text
false                                                     Utility to do nothing, unsuccessfully
hostname                                             Utility to show or set the system’s host name
kill                                                        Utility to send signals to processes
ln                                                          Utility to make links between files
login                                                     Utility to begin a session on the system
ls                                                           Utility to list directory contents
mkdir                                                   Utility to make directories
mknod                                                 Utility to make block or character special files
more                                                    Utility to page through text
mount                                                  Utility to mount a filesystem
mv                                                        Utility to move/rename files
ps                                                          Utility to report process status
pwd                                                      Utility to print name of current working directory
rm                                                       Utility to remove files or directories
rmdir                                                  Utility to remove empty directories
sed                                                       The ‘sed’ stream editor
sh                                                        The Bourne command shell
stty                                                      Utility to change and print terminal line settings
su                                                        Utility to change user ID
sync                                                     Utility to flush filesystem buffers
true                                                     Utility to do nothing, successfully
umount                                               Utility to unmount file systems
uname                                                 Utility to print system information


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